

An object with 3 points of possible rotation travels through a rectilinear volume. The envelope of said volume becomes manipulated to both provide points of contact for the rotating object as well as become a literalinterpretation of the entire spectrum of motion that happens through the volume. The space left within the volume is only that which is needed for the object to travel through space along the desired motion path.

The goal is to understand the relationship between themoving object and the dissimilar envelope in which it travels. The smoothnessof the object becomes lost in the volume yet is reintroduced when the motion is transcribed onto each surface of the final bounding envelope.

Physically the object always rotates around one of the three contact points all of which are equidistant from each other. Rotation occurs in 2 axes simultaneously with rotation in one axis restrained to a 120-degree sweep while being unrestrained in the accompanying axis. 



 Object with Envelope

Interior Volume

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